17 Jul 2011

this is why I was VAGABOND...

The Vagabond

Give to me the life I love,
Let the lave go by me,
Give the jolly heaven above
And the byway nigh me.
Bed in the bush with stars to see,
Bread I dip in the river -
There's the life for a man like me,
There's the life for ever.

Let the blow fall soon or late,
Let what will be o'er me;
Give the face of earth around
And the road before me.
Wealth I seek not, hope nor love,
Nor a friend to know me;
All I seek, the heaven above
And the road below me.

Or let autumn fall on me
Where afield I linger,
Silencing the bird on tree,
Biting the blue finger.
White as meal the frosty field -
Warm the fireside haven -
Not to autumn will I yield,
Not to winter even!

Let the blow fall soon or late,
Let what will be o'er me;
Give the face of earth around,
And the road before me.
Wealth I ask not, hope nor love,
Nor a friend to know me;
All I ask, the heaven above
And the road below me.

-Robert Louis Stevenson


...this is why I am VAGABOND again =)


  1. nor love,
    Nor a friend to know me;
    All I seek, the heaven above
    And the road below me.

    Welcome again Vagabond.

  2. and Vagabond or VB is how we loved you best:-)

  3. Vagabond,

    It is not insanity to be a vagabond. Loved this one, so peaceful and in touch with nature.

    Take care

  4. Lovely post

    Do enter my giveaway here

  5. Vagabond. :)

    i like the name. but allow me one fair question: why do u think of yourself that way?

    Wealth I ask not, hope nor love,
    Nor a friend to know me;
    All I ask, the heaven above
    And the road below me.
    the perfect ending :)

    you ask for what you will always have and deny the need to what you will always want.

  6. Raj love the way you point it out...you answer your question...(read this as an answer)

    *you ask for what you will always have and deny the need to what you will always want.*

    i would be left with wanting nothing, if i have what i ask for.

  7. allow me another question, actually the better thing will be you allow me another million questions but even if you don't, i will ask and get what i want. so allow me one for now :)

    so what is it that you want? do you really know?

    (that counts as one question. i am left with a million minus one more.)

  8. I wont allow you anything (but you would still ask isn'it? =))

    no i don't really know what i want, i want everything and sometimes nothing at all..

    ask,it might make u ask another million questions.
