28 Dec 2009

oh, the time that was!

i want that time back when music channels played music more than played bitching-behind-your-backs reality shows.

i want that time back when aggression was not the most obvious reaction.

i want that time back when i could listen to a shitty sad song and relate to it.

i want that time back when i had hand fights with my brother, verbal assaults with my mother and then by the night came a full round of jokes and laughter.

i want that time back when i studied for grades rather than for career.

i want that time back when i could pass hating my relatives.

i want that time back when i didn't have to do things because i was responsible.

i want that time back when if i left a tap open i wasn't called irresponsible.

i want that time back when even if i was the elder sister i was still young.

i want that time back when  i didn't know what the f* word was.

i want that time back when i didn't mind when parents acted like parents.

i wan that time back when i wasn't  a snob.

i want that time back when if i cried i wasn't called an emotional fool.

i want that time back when i cried.
i want that time back when i cared.
i want that time back when i loved.

oh and did i mention:
i want that time back a good fifteen years from now =P



  1. depressed? sounded so...watever it is...just move on!:)

  2. @ jaky and angel : did you read the last line? =P

  3. Ya..but tell you what,..go watch 3 IDIOTS. and yes, from next time, do I have to reply to your comments on my own blog or do I have to keep replying them here?

    I am quite excited today. Jug Suraiya replied to my email. Love him!

  4. answers are given where they are asked for =)
    reply to comments on your blog obviously.

    that is great!!
    post the to and fro mails on the blog =)

  5. hey doesnt everyone wish this? i knw i do too. loved it.
