4 Oct 2010

...lay close...

lay close to me for it is only us tonight...
lay calm for it is just tonight.
lay hushed for it is not 'real' tonight;
 lay with me, for it is life tonight.

got THIS link from Zave's blog. 

P.S. for people addicted to romance.



  1. this post reminds me of the sleepless nights i spent with my love.Very touching..

  2. Love love love it!

    The enigma - the ludicrous addiction and surrender of it all!

  3. Morning comes slow today,
    Memories push through from yesterday,
    Stay, I need you here for a new day to break,
    like a shadow in my wake

    ~Poets of the fall...

    And do I find it apt, here?
    Yupp, I think so.

    Touch, just to make sure, First the love and then pinch yourself, to make sure its for real.

  4. And damn, its romantic!

  5. thanks.
    Guess, it is always more pleasant when it is fiction.

  6. wow...someone's page is looking more n more glam with each passing day...n the thoughts getting more n more intense n deep...
    loved the lines...
    but then i always love what u write...:-)

  7. love you back!
    Thanks for that =)
